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The Buzzard Farm is a small, regenerative fiber farm in the Pennsylvanian Appalachian Region. As an aspiring carbon neutral fiber producer, we hope to merge farming and cloth production by means of knitting machines and looms. Our ultimate goal is to produce clothing as a small scale manufacturer, designer, and fiber supplier. By enacting responsible rotational grazing, composting manure to spread on healing lands, we hope to help our planet by greatly improving our overall soil health while keeping our own carbon footprint as small as possible. 

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Fiber farming today is an uphill battle. Competing with fast fashion simply isn't an option. Each garment is made slowly and until we reach our goal of becoming a factory led company made from locally made cloth, we will be taking donations to contribute to our animal husbandry and ongoing slow fashion work.

Joining us on this mission to local sustainable cloth is the Rustbelt fibershed, our local fibershed sector. 30 percent of all donations we receive goes directly to their community involvement.

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